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The Republic of China (1912-1928) Flag Color Codes with HEX, RGB, CMYK & Pantone

  • Red: #DE2119
  • Yellow: #FFC500
  • Blue: #08639C
  • White: #FFFFFF
  • Black: #000000

What are the colors of The Republic of China (1912-1928) flag?

The The Republic of China (1912-1928) flag has 5 primary colors, which are red, yellow, blue, white and black. The table below has the common and popular codes of these colors in HEX, RGB and CMYK formats along with Pantone (PMS), RAL and NCS (Natural Color System). Please note that HEX and RGB codes are to be used for digital works and web pages (including HTML and CSS) while the CMYK values are for printers.

Officially known as the First Republic of China, the Beiyang government ran from 1912 to 1928 with Peking as its capital. The flag consisted of 5 horizontal equal-sized stripes of (from top) red, yellow, blue, white and black representing the Han, the Manchus, the Mongols, the Hui and the Tibetans, respectively.
The Beiyang government flag was based on the Five Races Under One Union principle upon which the republic was founded.

Color Names & Codes of the The Republic of China (1912-1928) Flag

Red - DE2119

Red Color Codes

Hex DE2119
RGB 222, 33, 25
CMYK 0, 85, 89, 13
Pantone 485 C !
RAL 3028
Yellow - FFC500

Yellow Color Codes

Hex FFC500
RGB 255, 197, 0
CMYK 0, 23, 100, 0
Pantone 7548 C !
RAL 2007
Blue - 08639C

Blue Color Codes

Hex 08639C
RGB 8, 99, 156
CMYK 95, 37, 0, 39
Pantone 3015 C !
RAL 5017
White - FFFFFF

White Color Codes

RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
Pantone N. A. !
Black - 000000

Black Color Codes

Hex 000000
RGB 0, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100
Pantone Black 6 C !
RAL 9005

The Republic of China (1912-1928) Flag Downloads

Republic of China (1912-1928) Flag Image with Color Palette

The Republic of China (1912-1928) Flag Color Palette

Download the The Republic of China (1912-1928) flag Color Palette image along with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media. For print and spot color values, please refer to the information above. The Pantone® (PMS) values and RAL.

Download Palette